University is having a very strong research focus and industry aligned curriculum. Time to time inputs are taken from all stake holders including the industry and through a number of workshops necessary modification are madeinto the course curriculum.
University prepares course curriculum through a number of national and international levels of workshops, seminars, conferences and brain storming sessions by experts from academia, industry and research organizations. The Syllabi of the courses is finalized on the recommendation of Faculty Board of Studies and approved by the Academic Council.
Under-graduate Programmes
The undergraduate curriculum consists of two main components: core courses and professional courses. Some courses in Arts and social sciences are also added for the students to develop appreciation of the impact of science and technology on society. The core subjects’ courses lay emphasis on concepts and principles. They involve teaching of subjects in Basic Sciences, Arts, Social Sciences and Engineering Science. Communication skills and Life skills are also taught in order to develop communication skills in English language so that the instruction becomes fully comprehensible to all students, and also to maintain parity of linguistic standard among the students.
The Professional courses are all about system analysis, design, manufacturing and professional practice. There is an in-built flexibility to encourage students to specialize in streams of their choice through a system of professional and free electives. The University provides an academic environment to foster multifarious personality skills to students lest they should lag behind in any of such qualities which a student might face in the race of his perceived priorities in face of his life-choices.
The University provides an academic environment to foster multifarious personality skills to students lest they should lag behind in any of such qualities which a student might face in the race of his perceived priorities in face of his life-choices.
The university is shifting its strategy from a focus on the content-based information to the learning-outcomes approach as a consequence of which it now relies more on the selfdirected learning, Project-based work-schedule in various modules, research-oriented teaching with emphasis on the imperative of completing assignments.
The university further provides design or application-based engineering projects. Research-led teaching has been evolved in terms of course content. All academic staff are encouraged to develop modules associated with their research area and bring in cutting edge research ideas from their own research and of other eminent researchers. This is being achieved by involving the students in research activities which in many cases may mean re-exploring research findings which are already known. Students are encouraged to go for research. They are trained for research based (engineering) problem solving.
Our vision about education and the students is that the basic course of under-graduation should be able to provide a student various choices to make a vision and objective of his life from. It is that matrix that must contain all such possibilities which ought to be attainable; and that necessarily means empowerment.
Post-graduate Programmes
The University offers a number of Postgraduate programs in various disciplines fully in line with the general structure provided by the UGC. It has consistently maintained the basic structure and philosophy of the post-graduate education in engineering in the country.
All these programmes have their course work classified into two major categories: Core Courses and Elective Courses. Core courses of all programme are compulsory for all the students registered in that programme. These courses are designed for imparting knowledge of the relevant basic analytical tools & techniques necessary to build-up on them the elective (professional) courses. Elective courses are of professional nature. To be eligible for a degree, a student must complete required number of core and elective courses, although for the sake of flexibility, a wide choice of elective subjects. That helps them make their training broad- based.
Regular seminars, presentations, colloquiums and discussion group activities and compulsory involvement of students in them help them to stand in competition with each other to excel and also to be diligent about their respective subjects. They are mostly followed by problemsolving exercises of various natures. Presentations are preserved and are considered means of earning scores in the final evaluation of students.
Doctoral degree programme
Since the students are encouraged consistently to choose research as a potent dimension of practical aspects of engineering and technology, all such students as opt for research are encouraged also to admit in the doctoral programme of the university. The provisions in the rules and regulations governing the programme, aim at ensuring high quality of research leading to Ph.D. degree. Admissions in Ph.D. programme are made in accordance with the provisions to the regulations of the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009. The Ph.D. program is in full time and part time mode.
Employability, Innovation and Research
All the three aspects of societal concern, that is, Employability, Innovation and Research, are incorporated in the curriculum by the following stages of the process:
- By identifying the requirement of the Industry or the business and of society in general. Three sets of attributes are considered in the programme outcome of a course:-
- Universal life-skills
- Graduate attributes, that is, educational attributes for the sake of skills, knowledge, and information
- Attributes of Citizenship, which essentially means good citizenship.
- The University ensures that the students not only should be good students in terms of gaining knowledge, information and skills, but they should also be a productive, scientific and productive citizens of India. The University ensures the practical fulfillment of this vision by taking feed from the government’s charter of good citizenship, and by incorporating essentiality of such attributes into the curricula.
- Compulsory employability oriented Innovative project semester in industry for all UG and PG students.
- As there is need to go beyond multi-disciplinary options, we have adopted a system of collaborative and interdisciplinary education with focus on innovation through R & D programs conducted by the integrated efforts of our faculty, scientists, engineers, technocrats and social scientists using the concepts, theories, techniques and perspectives from several disciplines.
- The curriculum design and development for all programs is reviewed to ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in satisfying the requirements and the vision, mission and quality policy of the University. The design process includes assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for ensuring suitable employability, innovation and research (more applicable to postgraduate programs). The process invites inputs from all stake holders and generally includes the following sources:
- Results of students’ performance in various examinations.
- Feedback from
- Industry
- Alumni
- participating organizations in campus placement and other concerned sources
- Improvement programs suggested/recommended
- Training programs launched
- Review of mission and quality policy